access to water and sanitation - Langaville informal settlement - Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
SERI represents approximately 3 600 people living in three informal settlements in Langaville, near Tsakane in Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality. The residents share two functioning taps between them, and five other makeshift water connections which run dry for days or weeks at a time. They have no access to basic sanitation. They have approached their local councillor who has refused to facilitate the installation of basic water and sanitation at the settlements.
In light of the above, SERI has launched an application to compel the municipality to install basic water and sanitation facilities required by the Water Services Act 108 of 1997 and the Regulations made under them.
On 6 December 2011, a hearing was held in the South Gauteng High Court and a draft order was handed down which stipulated that the municipality must provide a certain number of additional standpipes and chemical toilets at the Langaville settlements by no later than 16 January 2012. During January 2012, water and sanitation were provided to the settlements by the municipality.