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Mthimkulu and Others v City of Johannesburg and Others ('Mthimkulu')

emergency housing - City of Johannesburg - South Gauteng High Court

On 9 September 2014 SERI launched an urgent application in the South Gauteng High Court to compel the City of Johannesburg to provide the residents of a building located at 209 Commissioner Street (referred to as the Hercules building), with emergency shelter after the building burnt down and they were left destitute. SERI negotiated with the City for a week during which time it appeared that it had no operational plan to respond to housing emergencies. On 11 September the matter was settled and an order by agreement was granted for the residents to be accommodated at the Maurice Freeman Recreation Centre in Bertrams.

In Part B of the urgent application SERI sought an order directing the City to develop an operational plan to deal with housing emergencies. On 7 November 2014 the City filed its answering affidavit in the matter.

  • City's replying affidavit (7 November 2014) here.
  • City's notice of intention to oppose (30 September 2014) here.
  • High Court order (11 September 2014) here.
  • Notice of motion (9 September 2014) here and founding affidavit here.