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[ADVOCACY] SERI's Jason Brickhill speaks at event on Human Rights Law and Xenophobia (20 March 2024).

JB JSA event on xenophobia

On 18 March 2024, SERI’s Jason Brickhill participated in a panel discussion on “Human Rights Law and xenophobia” hosted by the Human Rights Committee of the Johannesburg Society of Advocates at Thulamela Chambers. Jason spoke alongside Andrew Chinnah (a human rights activist), Candice Pillay (from Norton Rose Fulbright), and Nabeelah Mia (from Lawyers for Human Rights).

The panellists discussed a range of issues and challenges faced by migrants in South Africa. These include the rise and institutionalisation of xenophobia, the emergence of openly xenophobic groups such as Operation Dudula, and the treatment of migrants following the Usindiso building fire in August 2023. 

Jason Brickhill also answered some questions about SERI's submission on the White Paper on Citizenship, Immigration and Refugee Protection; the case on behalf of Kopanang Africa Against Xenophobia (KAAX), the South African Informal Traders Forum (SAITF), Inner City Federation (ICF) and Abahlali baseMjondolo (AbM) against Operation Dudula and various state bodies; SERI's role in the Commission of Inquiry into the fire at the Usindiso Building, as well as the way the victims of the Usindiso Fire (who are represented by Norton Rose Fulbright) have been treated since the fire, including being forcibly removed from shelter and some being detained.

About 40 people attended the event.