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[NEWSLETTER] SERI's latest newsletter is out (22 December 2023).

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This is SERI’s last newsletter for 2023. In it we present a few highlights from our work over the three-month period between October and December.

In this period, we have been involved in a range of legal and advocacy engagements. In litigation, SERI represented unhoused inner city occupiers in Cape Town facing eviction by the Municipality and supported a group called the Greater Chatsworth Emerging Farmers in contesting an eviction application brought against them by the Housing Development Agency. Additionally, SERI has been participating in the Usindiso Building Commission of Inquiry that commenced in late October.

SERI’s advocacy efforts included participation in a Johannesburg demonstration addressing poverty, housing injustice, and xenophobia which saw a turn-out of about 3000 people. SERI also delivered workshops focusing on women's rights, urban agriculture, gender‑based violence, participated in the Extraordinary Civil Society Summit hosted by Kagiso Trust and #CivilsocietyUnmuted in partnership with the Social Justice Assembly and presented at the National Department of Human Settlements Summit.

  • Access the newsletter here